Parochial Church Council

Beetham PCC is made up of members of clergy, churchwardens, and lay members from the church electoral roll, and is responsible for the worship, pastoral care, mission action plan, and care and maintenance of the church building

The PCC is chaired by the Priest-in-Charge, and has an appointed Secretary and Treasurer; the three Churchwardens and two Deanery Synod representatives are ex-officio.  The number of elected PCC members is governed by Church Representation Rules and is based on the number of people on the electoral roll.  Lay members are elected each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held in April, and serve as a PCC member for 3 years.  Churchwardens are elected at the Annual Vestry Meeting as the Bishop's representatives for the Parish, and can be re-elected each year for a maximum of 6 years 

 PCC 2024/25:-

Priest-in-charge - The Revd Andrew Norman



Curate - The Revd Hannah Wallace


Churchwarden - Theresa Holden



Churchwarden - Deborah Lancaster


 Churchwarden/Deanery Synod - Viv Stirrup


 PCC Treasurer - John Lomax


 Vice Chair/PCC Member - Brian Smalley


 PCC Co-opted/Fabric Chair - Jenny Marks


 PCC Member - Jenny Andrews


 PCC Member - Ann Robinson


 PCC Member - Darrell Lancaster


 PCC Member - Sheila MacInnes


PCC Member - Dorothy MacLeod


PCC Member - Tess Rowlands


PCC Appointed:-

Organist & Music Director - Geoff Field